安装MacOS Sierra时提示-5105f问题的解决办法
Try this, I was also getting the same 5101F error..pressing Option+Command+R doesn’t work so I reinstalled the earlier OS by pressing Shift+Option+Command+R and then Start button.
It takes nearly 30-40 minutes to reinstall the earlier version of Mac OS. In my case I had Catalina installed by earlier version of Sierra installed.
This will definitely work.. 安装MacOS Sierra时提示-5105f问题的解决办法(翻译)
重新安装较早版本的Mac OS需要近30-40分钟。在我的情况下,我通过安装较早版本的Sierra来安装Catalina。
这肯定能行。 macOS 安装指南(官方)https://support.apple.com/HT201372 最好的办法,就是按照官方的安装指南,下载了安装文件后,制作到U盘上,用U盘启动安装系统,又快又好成功率又高。